One of the more underrated movies of my adolescence was easily 1995's "Heavyweights." The reason? Ben Stiller as "Uncle" Tony Perkis. This was early Stiller at it's best, before "Meet the Parents," "Zoolander," "Dodgeball," and all other Stiller comedies. Tony Perkis still holds up today, and reminds us why this guy got so popular in the first place, before such atrocities as "Night at the Museum." Lunch has been cancelled today, due to lack of hustle. Deal with it.
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Friday, December 30, 2011
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, December 26, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Best of 2011: Deaths
Team Hell got a whole lot stronger this year. If I was a horrible person, I definitely would have wanted to die in 2011. Hell must be bumpin' right now! First Osama gets iced, then Moammar gets torn limb from limb by his own people, and now good ol' Kim Jong Il dies?! Talk about a TRIFECTAH! I mean, c'mon, Satan basically just got the evil equivalents of Tom Brady, Arian Foster, and Greg Jennings in the same draft. God must be shitting his pants. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if God kills Tebow just to even the score.
"We Want You! Jerry Sandusky!"
Friday, December 16, 2011
Best of 2011: Movie
As far as movies go 2011 was about as exciting as seeing your sister's tits. If you have a brain the size of a pube follicle then you probably got a rise of out movies like Green Lantern, Scherlock Holmes II, and Immortals. But for those of us who dont get boners over B-Lister-ridden CGI porn, there actually were a couple of decent flix, among them Even the Rain (if you like foreign movies), Cedar Rapids, and the now overly hyped Bridesmaids. But the stand out movie for 2011 is most defiantly Drive.
I actually don't know what I liked more about this movie, the movie itself, or the reaction from the pissed off douche rockets in the theater who thought they bought tickets to see The Fast and Furious IX. This movie is certainly artsy-fartsy, and definitely has awesomely awkward moments, but the mix between heart stopping intensity, outrageously gruesome violence and tear jerking romance makes this movie un-fucking-forgettable. It also has a sick soundtrack that every hipster in Cambridge has been beating off to for the past six months.
If you haven't seen Drive yet, do it now! I dont think its out on DVD yet but everyone knows some greasy Asian kid who has a bootleg copy, so call up (insert Asian name) and get it done!
Thursday, December 15, 2011
Leaders of Men: Carl Showalter--Kidnapper Extraordinaire
He's kinda funny lookin, he doesn't fuck around, and he's a kidnapper's kidnapper. Carl gets a tip from fellow ex-con Shep Proudfoot that there's good money in kidnapping some St. Paul car salesman's wife. He grabs fellow kidnapper Gaear Grimsrud to meet the car saleman, Jerry Lundegaard, and talk about the details.
Carl quickly tires of his partner's request for pancakes so he suggests hookers and steak. This would be a great suggestion if the prostitutes in North Dakota actually looked like women. But Carl is no looker, and many describe him as kinda funny lookin. When kidnapping goes sour, these hookers talk to a local cop and blow is cover, and more importantly, let the world know he's an anteater.
Carl is on the run and at risk of going back to jail, so he's gotta switch the plates on his stolen car. He cleverly pulls into a snowy parking lot, steals someone's plate, and says, "I don't want to park here anymore." The parking attendant won't allow it, so Carl launches into one of the best indictments of parking clerks of all time. "These are the limits of your life man!" Carl really needed that $4.
You tell 'em Carl!! Anyways, now Carl has to exchange the money, but that pussy Lundegaard doesn't show up, it's some old guy. Like any reasonable human being, Carl starts shooting, and kills the man, but not before he takes a bullet in the jaw. But he's no should see the other guy.
Unfortunately, Carl won't budge on a negotiation with Geaer, and he's made into smart-mouthed body chips, which ruins the prostitute industry in the great lakes region.
Carl quickly tires of his partner's request for pancakes so he suggests hookers and steak. This would be a great suggestion if the prostitutes in North Dakota actually looked like women. But Carl is no looker, and many describe him as kinda funny lookin. When kidnapping goes sour, these hookers talk to a local cop and blow is cover, and more importantly, let the world know he's an anteater.
Carl is on the run and at risk of going back to jail, so he's gotta switch the plates on his stolen car. He cleverly pulls into a snowy parking lot, steals someone's plate, and says, "I don't want to park here anymore." The parking attendant won't allow it, so Carl launches into one of the best indictments of parking clerks of all time. "These are the limits of your life man!" Carl really needed that $4.
You tell 'em Carl!! Anyways, now Carl has to exchange the money, but that pussy Lundegaard doesn't show up, it's some old guy. Like any reasonable human being, Carl starts shooting, and kills the man, but not before he takes a bullet in the jaw. But he's no should see the other guy.
Unfortunately, Carl won't budge on a negotiation with Geaer, and he's made into smart-mouthed body chips, which ruins the prostitute industry in the great lakes region.
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Adam Richman: "Go Fuck Yourself Everyone!"
I'm here. I'm fat. Get used to it. |
Is everyone ready to eat!? Hey guys, it's me, Adam Richman! The inventor of meat sweats, the human pig-roast, the captain of cholesterol!! I was born with an uncanny ability to ingest shit and dispense awful jokes, all at the same time. Tonight I'll be at a Rochester bus station devouring American cheese and screaming recycled jokes from an All That episode!! Come and cheer me on!
Oh, what's that you say? There are starving people all over the world and I get paid millions to glorify obesity? Well fuck you! So what if I consume enough calories to sustain an entire village of normal humans--I fucking love pastrami and no one can tell me what to do!! If all these poor hungry suckers abroad can string together enough recycled tin foil and steal a television, then I'm happy to entertain them. A moral issue? What moral issue? Morals are an invention of the weak. If there were a God, do you think I'd be so successful? Do you think the throngs of fat, sweating middle-americans cheering me through my 75th johnny cake would be alive right now? Of course not.
Look.... just look at the dynamic empire I've created!
No amount of spice in the world will keep me from my precious military jackets!! I don't care if I can't zipper them, I want an endless supply! Give them to me now you idiots!! AHAHAHHAH!!!
I'm a millionaire for eating and being fat. Fuck you Africa.
Crosby is out again with concussion symptoms after getting hit by David Krecji. I like Crosby and all but something about him screams pussy. In the NHL you better be hangin a big one if you plan to survive.
Monday, December 12, 2011
Things that Chap my Ass #2
Just when I thought I couldn't hate Albert "next-in-line-to-get-busted-for-roids" Pujols any more than I already do, his wife goes on the airwaves and drops this gem:
"It's just like God, to put us on a team called the Angels."
But seriously, I'm sorry. For a minute there I thought I was talking about a normal, semi-rational human being.
No, but seriously. The whole God fanatic thing chaps my ass to the point where no lotion or cream could possibly stop the blistering. Goddamn Tim Tebow and his patented "First of all I want to thank my lord and savior Jesus Christ" line is like throwing chili powder on my already reddened, peeling cheeks. I'm all for freedom of speech/religion/whatever, but there's just something about this type of thing that gets me so aggravated.
What in the hell are you talking about??? Do you have a brain? Are you listening to yourself? What do you need to be saved from, Te-Blow? Certainly not an empty bank account. I don't get it. What I do get and understand are the people who use religion to make themselves and the world a better place. What I don't get is where people get off believing that Jesus was factually a real person and that his word governs all. Is it because some book says so? Well hell, there's books that claim that leprechauns and mermaids were once real, should we start believing in them too? (And actually, the more I think about it, the more plausible those myths seem). Listen, don't get me wrong, I completely understand that it's just as likely that the Big J did exist than the likelihood that he didn't, but we'll never be able to prove it one way or the other. So let's just agree to stop acting like the dude lives up the street and hands out free food and cures cancer all day in his free time. Deal?
~"Chap my ass once, shame on you. Chap my ass twice, shame on me."~
(famous saying of ancient lordlings of ass-chappage)
Sunday, December 11, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
The Saul
From now on, a look of distant thought and concern will be known simply as "The Saul."
Anyone that hasn't been watching the new Showtime series Homeland is missing out....on a show that should be a miniseries but will inevitably continue far past any semblance of reality. The premise of the show is interesting. Nicholas Brody (Damian "Pinch Face" Lewis) is a marine POW rescued from an Afghan prison after six years of torture. He's welcomed home with a warm reception but for CIA agent Carrie Matheson (Claire Danes) who suspects him of being a terrorist--with good reason. Lewis is most famous for his role in HBO's Band of Brothers, which you'll eventually hear from anyone that asks, "Do you watch Homeland?", and you respond, "No", so they'll respond, "Dood it's so fahkin sick it's like the guy from 'Band ah Bruthizz' if you liked that show you'll love this one." Then you watch the show and realize that, not only does Damian Lewis' character have absolutely nothing in common with his character from Band of Brothers, but the two shows are nothing alike. And you also get sick of Damian Lewis because he's a ginger skeletor lookin' motherfucker.
Anyways, back to Saul, the most ridiculous character on television right now. Played by Manny Patinkin (Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride), Saul is a CIA veteran and Carrie's mentor. He constantly walks the line between Carrie's rogue surveillance of Brody and CIA bureaucracy. Sometimes he humors Carrie's thoughts and actions, and other times he scolds her for stepping out of bounds. Regardless of where he stands, his demeanor is ALWAYS the same. Wrinkled forehead, low tone, serious message. Does this guy ever smile or have a drink? C'mon Saully boy. I know his job is serious, but could he just make an expression once in awhile? He was a lot happier when he hung out with Andre the Giant.
Every scene with Saul and Carried involves Carrie freaking out about something, and Saul just Saulling the shit out of her. "I know, it's dangerous, but you're doing the right thing", or "Carrie, that's reckless, how could you do such a thing?" Concerned, distant, active, passive, pensive, vacant, thoughtful, happy, sad, horny = ONE LOOK and ONE TONE OF VOICE!! This guy is not Derek Zoolander.
Anyways, why do shows have characters like this? I know there are some serious people, but no one acts like this, he's worse than David Caruso. It will be interesting to see how the character develops as Showtime rides this horse off a cliff, shoots it, rapes it, stabs it, poisons it, and crushes it up into horse paste and builds a paper mache horse to kill for a seventh season.
Anyone that hasn't been watching the new Showtime series Homeland is missing out....on a show that should be a miniseries but will inevitably continue far past any semblance of reality. The premise of the show is interesting. Nicholas Brody (Damian "Pinch Face" Lewis) is a marine POW rescued from an Afghan prison after six years of torture. He's welcomed home with a warm reception but for CIA agent Carrie Matheson (Claire Danes) who suspects him of being a terrorist--with good reason. Lewis is most famous for his role in HBO's Band of Brothers, which you'll eventually hear from anyone that asks, "Do you watch Homeland?", and you respond, "No", so they'll respond, "Dood it's so fahkin sick it's like the guy from 'Band ah Bruthizz' if you liked that show you'll love this one." Then you watch the show and realize that, not only does Damian Lewis' character have absolutely nothing in common with his character from Band of Brothers, but the two shows are nothing alike. And you also get sick of Damian Lewis because he's a ginger skeletor lookin' motherfucker.
Code RED |
Anyways, back to Saul, the most ridiculous character on television right now. Played by Manny Patinkin (Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride), Saul is a CIA veteran and Carrie's mentor. He constantly walks the line between Carrie's rogue surveillance of Brody and CIA bureaucracy. Sometimes he humors Carrie's thoughts and actions, and other times he scolds her for stepping out of bounds. Regardless of where he stands, his demeanor is ALWAYS the same. Wrinkled forehead, low tone, serious message. Does this guy ever smile or have a drink? C'mon Saully boy. I know his job is serious, but could he just make an expression once in awhile? He was a lot happier when he hung out with Andre the Giant.
Every scene with Saul and Carried involves Carrie freaking out about something, and Saul just Saulling the shit out of her. "I know, it's dangerous, but you're doing the right thing", or "Carrie, that's reckless, how could you do such a thing?" Concerned, distant, active, passive, pensive, vacant, thoughtful, happy, sad, horny = ONE LOOK and ONE TONE OF VOICE!! This guy is not Derek Zoolander.
![]() |
"I'm incredibly happy for this joyous occasion." |
"I wonder how I can better convey my concern and disapproval." |
Anyways, why do shows have characters like this? I know there are some serious people, but no one acts like this, he's worse than David Caruso. It will be interesting to see how the character develops as Showtime rides this horse off a cliff, shoots it, rapes it, stabs it, poisons it, and crushes it up into horse paste and builds a paper mache horse to kill for a seventh season.
Thursday, December 8, 2011
O Happy Day
I wish I was capable of getting this happy about something. I envy you Francis....stay gold
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Holy shit these eskimos are fucking maniacs. Watch this job and tell me you're not blown away.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
How to Fart and Get Away With It
If you're like me, you're always finding ways to divert your farts from attracting the attention of co-workers or crowds at social gatherings. Generally, after 15-20 fried snacks and half-pound of ground beef covered in cheese whiz, I feel like a shaken up soda can ready to "decompress." These are times when a simple "crop dust" won't work. I'm sure you've found yourself in one of the following situations, so here are some helpful tips and strategies to avoid embarrassment and decreased social standing.
1. The Smother - After a pound of tortilla chips covered in chili and six bud-lights, you're at the spouse's family's house ready to bust. There's a drumline-style marching band of gastronomical hell inside of you, but you can't release. If you "excuse yourself" for the "bathroom" you might lose your advantageous couch position. Generally these farts come out hot and quiet, so close off any side exits where the fart could fart directly into the couch cushion. Get it all out. In 10-20 minutes leave your post with other guests none the wiser. It also works great on airplanes or in movie theaters.
2. The Secret Shame - So you're at an awkward dinner/holiday party and you've had too many slices of bree. Head over towards a vacant room and act like you' out the craftsmanship. Double check that no one else is close, and release. Try to muffle the noise as much as possible, and make sure you wack the smell out of your clothes before rejoining the party.
3. The Dirty Projector - Similar situation as above, but the domicile is too cramped or crowded for you to escape for a solemn release. Position your backside toward a bathroom, bedroom, or even a window--and just let go. Really try to get it out there, but for obvious reasons, don't push too hard. Reach into your pocket and shake the thing out of your pants, then graciously step away. This is more of an art than a science, but give keep practicing and you'll be a Dirty Projector in no time.
4. The Catch and Release - Standing outside on a cold day can seem like an easy place to release, but hot air attracts crowd attention. In this situation, zipper your jacket and close off the neck hole, then pull it down over your backside and tighten the elastic at the bottom. Now fart. Do your best to trap the fart into the jacket without--my god--releasing it through the neck hole into your nose and mouth. This can be disastrous. Once you've successfully trapped, excuse yourself to the snack bar, and as your walk through less crowded areas, release your catch. If you see someone you don't like, open your jacket and hug them.
If you're in a "pinch" (pun intended), please use these techniques for release. Then continue consuming as much food and beer as humanly possible and/or socially acceptable.
1. The Smother - After a pound of tortilla chips covered in chili and six bud-lights, you're at the spouse's family's house ready to bust. There's a drumline-style marching band of gastronomical hell inside of you, but you can't release. If you "excuse yourself" for the "bathroom" you might lose your advantageous couch position. Generally these farts come out hot and quiet, so close off any side exits where the fart could fart directly into the couch cushion. Get it all out. In 10-20 minutes leave your post with other guests none the wiser. It also works great on airplanes or in movie theaters.
- A Note of Caution on The Smother. Don't abuse this with more than two butt-breaths in less than 20 minutes, it's a couch cushion not a miracle worker!! Also, this DOES NOT work on leather couches. I've made that not-so-fun mistake. Lastly, the couch won't work as a silencer, so if noise is a factor, you're out of luck.
2. The Secret Shame - So you're at an awkward dinner/holiday party and you've had too many slices of bree. Head over towards a vacant room and act like you' out the craftsmanship. Double check that no one else is close, and release. Try to muffle the noise as much as possible, and make sure you wack the smell out of your clothes before rejoining the party.
3. The Dirty Projector - Similar situation as above, but the domicile is too cramped or crowded for you to escape for a solemn release. Position your backside toward a bathroom, bedroom, or even a window--and just let go. Really try to get it out there, but for obvious reasons, don't push too hard. Reach into your pocket and shake the thing out of your pants, then graciously step away. This is more of an art than a science, but give keep practicing and you'll be a Dirty Projector in no time.
4. The Catch and Release - Standing outside on a cold day can seem like an easy place to release, but hot air attracts crowd attention. In this situation, zipper your jacket and close off the neck hole, then pull it down over your backside and tighten the elastic at the bottom. Now fart. Do your best to trap the fart into the jacket without--my god--releasing it through the neck hole into your nose and mouth. This can be disastrous. Once you've successfully trapped, excuse yourself to the snack bar, and as your walk through less crowded areas, release your catch. If you see someone you don't like, open your jacket and hug them.
If you're in a "pinch" (pun intended), please use these techniques for release. Then continue consuming as much food and beer as humanly possible and/or socially acceptable.
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit #4
Oh, just a 7 inch cricket eating a fucking carrot. Yeah cool.
"The giant weta is the largest insect in the world, and this is the biggest one ever found," Britain's Daily Mail quoted Moffett as saying. "She weighs the equivalent to three mice. ... She enjoyed the carrot so much she seemed to ignore the fact she was resting on our hands and carried on munching away. She would have finished the carrot very quickly, but this is an extremely endangered species, and we didn't want to risk indigestion."
Hey Moffett, just a little advice for next time (if there is one)...YOU FUCKING RISK INDIGESTION. You risk the shit out of it. You come across more of these things and you don't risk indegestion we're sending in someone who's gonna feed them a machine gun not a fucking carrot.
Counterpoint: Tim Tebow is the man
Voice of a generation. I'm on the train. Fucking CHOO-CHOO. You play to win the game and Tebow wins football games. In a time when sports is being overrun with overpaid, arrogant stars and pedophiles, Tim Tebow is big fat jesus-y ray of sunshine.
Go Fuck Yourself Tebow
I gotta say im getting pretty sick of listening to Tim Tebow talk about "God" and all that bullshit every time he makes a good play. Or actually when his defense wins the Bronco's a game, and Tebow gets credit for it across the nation. "This kid's such a winner!!" Nah actually his D is playing nasty and he's just barely squeaking out W's. But that's besides the point. I mean be a little original. Everybody knows Pedro Cerrano and Eddie Harris were bringing religion into sports first. It's the classic Joboo vs. Jesus Christ matchup. Which religious icon can hit the curveball?
Kids These Days...
Whats going on with kids these days? There has literally been a Blowsah sized period flow of hazing deaths in a past couple of weeks.
Just to name a few.
I've been on both ends of hazing, so I know how things can get a little out of control in the heat of the moment. That being said, if someone DIES during your hazing ritual you're doing something wrong.
So here's a list of good ol fashion NON-LETHAL (sometimes homoerotic) hazing activities.
1. The Banana Poop - Instant classic, fun for all. First, place a peeled banana in the toilet. Proceed to blindfold some pube-less loser who will do anything to be your friend and make him grab the soggy banana out of the toilet. If done correctly the haze-ee will think he grabbed shit and begin to dry heave violently. To add to the effect, fart a few times in the bathroom beforehand. 

2. Water or Vodka? This one works great for sports initiations. Have the participants play whatever sport it is that they're so desperately trying to become a part of. Every two minutes make them take a forced water break. The kicker is, half of the waters are filled with vodka (or piss, depending on how fucked up you are). This activity has hilarious results and most importantly, NO ONE DIES.
3. The Stripper Surprise! - Any hazing initiation isnt complete without a stripper grand finale. The stripper surprise goes something like this: have the strippers beat the new-comers with belts on their bare asses just like any other perfectly normal heterosexual male gathering. When it comes time to whip the "dinki's" of the group (every group has one, the weakling who is constantly the butt of all jokes) secretly pass the stripper a blunt object i.e. beer bottle, cucumber, ski pole, whatevers laying around. Have the stripper jam that object as hard as possible in the kid's ass. Kinda crazy, but trust me, the crowd will go bonkers, and that poor kid will have a slew of new devastating nicknames for years to come.
OK, OK, this last one actually has a fairly high mortality rate, but this person will die by his own hand many years later anyways, leaving your conscience sparkling clean.
I love hazing and I think it plays an important role in sports and fraternities. It makes me sad when i hear about schools cracking down on hazing. Kids need to just chill the fuck out and stop doing things that are going to get kids killed.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Things That Chap My Ass #1
You wanna know what chaps my ass? What really grinds my gears?
I ask you: What good are these little copper crappers? Other than making your hands smell bad when you touch them, collecting grime in my car cup holder, and providing endless hours of entertainment for America's youth by flicking them at each other from across the classroom, I really can't think of any other purpose that they serve. They are completely useless, especially in today's economy. Damn man, I gotta start saving me some money, better start holding on to my pennies so that after I save a HUNDRED of them I'm ONE FRIGGIN' DOLLAR RICHER. Give me a break!
"Seriously though, can I borrow your dust-buster? I want to clean my room."
Nope. But you can chuck a handle of fucking pennies into that sucker and they'll collect the hell outta that dust in no time!
And can we show Honest Abe some respect for Christ's sake? The man who's responsible for ending slavery, preserving the Union during the Civil War, signing a bill that chartered the transcontinental railroad, and countless other feats, is stuck on the shittiest, ugliest, most useless coin our nation's got to offer. I know he's got the $5 bill and all (which is the best $ bill), but let's not desecrate his legacy by making him face right for the rest of eternity on the goddamn penny.
Fuck off, pennies.
(Other notable spawns of the penny: Ex. 1, Ex. 2, Ex. 3)
I ask you: What good are these little copper crappers? Other than making your hands smell bad when you touch them, collecting grime in my car cup holder, and providing endless hours of entertainment for America's youth by flicking them at each other from across the classroom, I really can't think of any other purpose that they serve. They are completely useless, especially in today's economy. Damn man, I gotta start saving me some money, better start holding on to my pennies so that after I save a HUNDRED of them I'm ONE FRIGGIN' DOLLAR RICHER. Give me a break!
"Seriously though, can I borrow your dust-buster? I want to clean my room."
Nope. But you can chuck a handle of fucking pennies into that sucker and they'll collect the hell outta that dust in no time!
And can we show Honest Abe some respect for Christ's sake? The man who's responsible for ending slavery, preserving the Union during the Civil War, signing a bill that chartered the transcontinental railroad, and countless other feats, is stuck on the shittiest, ugliest, most useless coin our nation's got to offer. I know he's got the $5 bill and all (which is the best $ bill), but let's not desecrate his legacy by making him face right for the rest of eternity on the goddamn penny.
Fuck off, pennies.
(Other notable spawns of the penny: Ex. 1, Ex. 2, Ex. 3)
Monday, November 28, 2011
Leaders of Men: Bennett - Australian Accented US Commando
The 1980s were a crazy place. All former US commandos had foreign accents and South American military coups occurred on every other Thursday. If you wanted to start a South America Gov't, you covered yourself in marmalade, impersonated Scarface, and extorted some local banana companies. Sometimes you had to recruit the best guy to start the takeover, and that's where Bennett could help.
While most mortals feared the wrath of John Matrix, the baddest ever Austrian-born U.S. Commando, Bennett kidnapped Matrix' daughter and extorted him into service. Bennett had confidence in his protective gear--a tank top of leather and medieval body armor, accompanied with some stylish weight-lifting gloves. Apparently, Bennett took pride in his figure, which resembled that of a middle-aged lesbian.
Seriously, who did the fucking casting for this movie? I imagine it went something like this:
Producer 1: "OK guys we need an intimidating villain that's believable as a former badass U.S. Commando."
Casting Director: "How about we find a flabby Australian guy and dress him up like a gay S&M sex slave?"
Producer 1: "Perfect. But who can we get to play the power-hungry South American dictator attempting a coup?"
Casting Director: "I have just the guy. He's a Jew from New York. We'll cover him in shoe polish and make him talk like Speedy Gonzalez."
Producer 1: "Genius. What's are we paying this guy?! Let's double it!"
Although Bennett gives a good fight, John Matrix is un-fucking-stoppable. I have to give him credit, it's like watching a sloth fight a lion. "Let out some steam.."
While most mortals feared the wrath of John Matrix, the baddest ever Austrian-born U.S. Commando, Bennett kidnapped Matrix' daughter and extorted him into service. Bennett had confidence in his protective gear--a tank top of leather and medieval body armor, accompanied with some stylish weight-lifting gloves. Apparently, Bennett took pride in his figure, which resembled that of a middle-aged lesbian.
"Let's make this snappy. I have Judas Priest tickets." |
"You're going to pay me how much to be the dad in Clueless?" |
Seriously, who did the fucking casting for this movie? I imagine it went something like this:
Producer 1: "OK guys we need an intimidating villain that's believable as a former badass U.S. Commando."
Casting Director: "How about we find a flabby Australian guy and dress him up like a gay S&M sex slave?"
Producer 1: "Perfect. But who can we get to play the power-hungry South American dictator attempting a coup?"
Casting Director: "I have just the guy. He's a Jew from New York. We'll cover him in shoe polish and make him talk like Speedy Gonzalez."
Producer 1: "Genius. What's are we paying this guy?! Let's double it!"
"On second thought, let's just forget this ever happened." |
Saturday, November 26, 2011
My Gym Mixtape
Anyone who knows me knows that I’m a total gym nut. To the point where people have just started straight up calling me “Jim” for a nickname - I fuckin’ love it, gets me juiced! And besides the fact that I go to the gym at least 4 times a day, you can’t maintain a rock-hard, badass body like mine without a couple of badass tunes, right?
I’m constantly switching up my gym mixtapes, but time and time again, there are always a few staples that I just can’t live without when I’m fixin’ for some high performance health. So with that said, I present to you 5 timelessly badass tunes that will always be playing on my Walkman as I continue my pursuit for fitness excellence.
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
I’m a pretty spiritual dude and all about finding zen through my workout. In order to do so, I just slap on a little Iris, get naked, and rip a couple of curls with 5 pound aerobic weights in the mirror of the locker room. I'll bet ya dollas to donuts there’s no better pre-workout workout than this.

Foreigner – I Want To Know What Love Is
Alright Jim, I Want To Know What Love Is is on – time to get down to some business. I’m definitely feeling juiced when this song comes on and it’s when I really start striving for the burn. You better hope you’re not in my way – I’ve been known to black out when Foreigner comes on my Walkman and I accidentally once pushed a woman out of my way to get to the leg press. She went all crazy on me, but I blamed Foreigner for making such a fuckin’ kick-ass song.
Sugar Ray - Fly
This song comes on about halfway through my workout and at this point, I’m just havin’ fun wit it. Fly can be a wild card though - for what it's worth, there wasn’t a sexier song written in the 90’s than this and I never know what I’m gonna be up for when it comes on. Maybe you’ll catch me doing some dead lifts followed up by some capoeira dancing as I mosy to my next station. If I’m feeling sexy, maybe I’ll go try and chat with the chick in the leopard-print leotard at the juicer station. Or maybe I’ll just head back into the locker room for a refresher and do some more naked curls. Who knows?

Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram - Somewhere Out There
Full disclosure: I’m a Fievel guy. A lot of people think of Rocky and Hoosiers when they think of inspirational movies. Not for nothin' but, is it even an argument? Poor Fievel Mouskewitz and his family are just trying to emigrate from Russia to America in hopes to escape oppression by a cruel army of cats.
Long story short, upon the Mouskewitzes trek, Fievel gets separated from the rest of his family and winds up floating to America alone in a bottle. Once he finally washes up on American shores, he must overcome some serious challenges, including getting screwed over by Warren T. Rat and escaping an attack by a gang of cats called the Mott Street Maulers. But you think that shit’s gonna stop fuckin’ Fievel? Nay! Just when you think he’s gonna give up, he overhears Papa Mouskewitz’s violin playing – a sound so familiar to young Fievel – and in the end, it is the beacon that leads Fievel back into the arms of his family.
The reason this makes the mixtape is because I’m always tempted to give up when the burn kicks in – 5 sets of 265 lbs ain’t no game of checkers. But then I just think of Fievel, and how he didn’t give up either. And whenever that little mouse’s face pops into my thoughts, the bar gets lighter, and I get stronger.
Skip It Jingle
I think the whole muscle confusion trend is phenomenal. But I’ve taken my own approach to it. On each mixtape, I like to throw this quick, 30-second ditty in random spots throughout the playlist. And whenever it comes on, I stop whatever workout I’m doing and just do 30 seconds of skipping ‘rope. It’s a real bitch, but this song is so happy and fun, it helps take some of the pain away.
So there you have it - 5 songs I won't leave home without. Maybe they're not for everyone, but those people who aren't for them are called pussies and I don't associate with them anyways.
I’m constantly switching up my gym mixtapes, but time and time again, there are always a few staples that I just can’t live without when I’m fixin’ for some high performance health. So with that said, I present to you 5 timelessly badass tunes that will always be playing on my Walkman as I continue my pursuit for fitness excellence.
Goo Goo Dolls - Iris
I’m a pretty spiritual dude and all about finding zen through my workout. In order to do so, I just slap on a little Iris, get naked, and rip a couple of curls with 5 pound aerobic weights in the mirror of the locker room. I'll bet ya dollas to donuts there’s no better pre-workout workout than this.
Foreigner – I Want To Know What Love Is
Alright Jim, I Want To Know What Love Is is on – time to get down to some business. I’m definitely feeling juiced when this song comes on and it’s when I really start striving for the burn. You better hope you’re not in my way – I’ve been known to black out when Foreigner comes on my Walkman and I accidentally once pushed a woman out of my way to get to the leg press. She went all crazy on me, but I blamed Foreigner for making such a fuckin’ kick-ass song.
Sugar Ray - Fly
This song comes on about halfway through my workout and at this point, I’m just havin’ fun wit it. Fly can be a wild card though - for what it's worth, there wasn’t a sexier song written in the 90’s than this and I never know what I’m gonna be up for when it comes on. Maybe you’ll catch me doing some dead lifts followed up by some capoeira dancing as I mosy to my next station. If I’m feeling sexy, maybe I’ll go try and chat with the chick in the leopard-print leotard at the juicer station. Or maybe I’ll just head back into the locker room for a refresher and do some more naked curls. Who knows?
Linda Ronstadt & James Ingram - Somewhere Out There
Full disclosure: I’m a Fievel guy. A lot of people think of Rocky and Hoosiers when they think of inspirational movies. Not for nothin' but, is it even an argument? Poor Fievel Mouskewitz and his family are just trying to emigrate from Russia to America in hopes to escape oppression by a cruel army of cats.
Long story short, upon the Mouskewitzes trek, Fievel gets separated from the rest of his family and winds up floating to America alone in a bottle. Once he finally washes up on American shores, he must overcome some serious challenges, including getting screwed over by Warren T. Rat and escaping an attack by a gang of cats called the Mott Street Maulers. But you think that shit’s gonna stop fuckin’ Fievel? Nay! Just when you think he’s gonna give up, he overhears Papa Mouskewitz’s violin playing – a sound so familiar to young Fievel – and in the end, it is the beacon that leads Fievel back into the arms of his family.
The reason this makes the mixtape is because I’m always tempted to give up when the burn kicks in – 5 sets of 265 lbs ain’t no game of checkers. But then I just think of Fievel, and how he didn’t give up either. And whenever that little mouse’s face pops into my thoughts, the bar gets lighter, and I get stronger.
Skip It Jingle
I think the whole muscle confusion trend is phenomenal. But I’ve taken my own approach to it. On each mixtape, I like to throw this quick, 30-second ditty in random spots throughout the playlist. And whenever it comes on, I stop whatever workout I’m doing and just do 30 seconds of skipping ‘rope. It’s a real bitch, but this song is so happy and fun, it helps take some of the pain away.
So there you have it - 5 songs I won't leave home without. Maybe they're not for everyone, but those people who aren't for them are called pussies and I don't associate with them anyways.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Shit Is Fucked Up And Bullshit #3
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
This Week's: What were you thinking?
I hate protesting hippie douche-bags as much as the next guy, but what in the world was going through this mentally retarded rent-a-cop's mind when he did this?
"Alright, listen up you hippie scum rats! If you don't stop sitting indian style on the quad I'm going to permanently maim you by burning your faggy eyes out with this turbo charged can of pepper spray!"
C'mon guy, what were you thinking?
Although, I do love how he holds the can up first just to let everyone know that he was about to lose his job.
Hey Arnold!
Hey Arnold, what do you think of Ryan Miller's crying about being checked by Milan Lucic?
Monday, November 21, 2011
11:11 on 11/11/11
Holy shit. This is incredible, I just fuckin ate my 11th sour cream and onion pringle at 11:11 on 11/11/11, I wonder if it was the 11th second of the the 11th minute, or even the 11th millisecond of the 11th second of the 11th minute. The moronic possibilities are endless.
Seriously who gives a fuck about the predictable way that our calendar and base-ten number system align so that that the day, month, and year are the same fucking number?! Is anyone impressed by this? It's happened for the first twelve years of every century, for the past twenty-one centuries. It means nothing. And this also applies to work-Dilberts asking me "Hey, did you know its 9.10.11 today? How cool is that!?" About as cool as yellow-stained collar, bro. Just eat your rice cakes and keep to your excel files.
Seriously who gives a fuck about the predictable way that our calendar and base-ten number system align so that that the day, month, and year are the same fucking number?! Is anyone impressed by this? It's happened for the first twelve years of every century, for the past twenty-one centuries. It means nothing. And this also applies to work-Dilberts asking me "Hey, did you know its 9.10.11 today? How cool is that!?" About as cool as yellow-stained collar, bro. Just eat your rice cakes and keep to your excel files.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The B's are SICK

The Bruins might be the best team in the NHL right now. Although they had a horrible start, they've managed to tie 8 wins together and still haven't lost a game in November. The Bergeron, Seguin, Marchand line literally gives me a boner. I hope those NBA assholes never come to an agreement and hockey takes over Boston once and for all!

Thank God for Massachusetts
Unfortunately, I am not unfamiliar with Centre County, Pennsylvania, home of the Penn State University Scandal.
Last March, a few friends and I had spent the last week traveling through the mid west. We were on our way home, cruising U.S.A through the boonies of Pennsylvania when I was awoken from a deep slumber by my friend. We were being pulled over. It was about 7:00 AM. The RV we had rented had a break light out. Talk about a simple twist of fate. That little bitch of a break light ended up costing me my dignity, and my respect and hope for this country and the human race, not to mention the thousands of dollars (literally) it ended up costing me. To make a relatively long story short, we had a small amount of that green stuff on us. Small enough that it would warrant only a fine in Massachusetts equivalent to a parking ticket. The policeman suspected such because he saw something on our driver's (my friend's) shirt that he described as "some sort of green vegetable matter" (he really has a way with words, that guy). We gave him the small amount that we had and were cited for possession.
So on the ride home I'm thinking, "Alright, maybe we get a fine or something in the mail, pay it off and be on our way." You know, the way it should be. But we couldn't have picked a worse state for this kind of thing to happen in. I clearly hadn't been hipped to the ideals and mindset of good ol' western PA, because a month later we were all summoned back to court in Centre County, PA. I had to get a lawyer, I had to rent a car, hotel, and take time off from work to travel the eight and a half hours back to that location of the spawn of the dregs of our once great nation. That was the first of three trips we had to make back out there; once more for an actual hearing, and once more for a day of community service because it had to be done in that county since that's where the incident took place, not Massachusetts. Believe me when I tell youthat I'd never do you no harm! that I will never set foot in that state again if I can manage it.
They say there's no substitute for experience, and that first arraignment day in court was a learning experience if nothing else. It was the first and hopefully only time in my life ever having been on that side of things. When I say that the court room was filled, I mean it was filled with young guys and girls like ourselves, quite a few of them who were students from Penn State. All similar "crimes" as my friends and I; minor possession, underage drinking, etc., and all paying the same thousands of dollars in court fees and fines that we were paying.
These are the types of things that Centre County, PA puts its stock into. Oh no, you're not going to smoke weed or underage drink in their county! Buuuuuuuuuut, football coaches raping ten year old boys in football locker rooms ain't that big of a deal. That's not even an exaggeration of what these people think. A graduate assistant was walking through the locker room showers late at night when he witnessed former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky anally raping a child, and the assistant reported this exact information to Penn State University's Athletic Director Tim Curly and Senior Vice President for Finance and Business, Gary Schultz. A court case was opened, and these two dickheads testified and were asked if the graduate assistant had reported to them "sexual conduct" "of any kind" by Sandusky. Curly answered, "No" twice. They were also asked if the grad assistant had reported "anal sex between Sandusky and the child" in which Curly responded, "Absolutely not." Do you hear that low humming sound? That's my blood boiling.
Two things on my mind here:
1) Either these twomen sludge-pits are in on it somehow and don't want to get caught or,
2) They care that much about Penn State's reputation that they were willing to sacrifice a young boy to a wolf like Sandusky to save face.
Either way, these two should burn in Hades personal lair for all eternity. And I'm positive that they will. In fact, I think I just became more religious. I mean, there has to be an afterlife of eternal suffering just for pieces of excrement like these, right? If not, you need to get your shit together, God, no pun intended.
I think the most frightening thing about the whole Penn State scandal to me is how it could continue to happen for so long in such populated places in major public settings. Take a look at the map above. If these types of events are going on in the middle of Penn State, what the hell sort of things are taking place in the dark areas of the map that make up more than half of our country? Makes me shudder. Makes me want to hop in one of Rufus's phone booths, shoot back in time to the War of 1812 so I could assassinate Andrew Jackson before he's able to win the Battle of New Orleans in hopes that the Essex Junto might actually succeed.
It is very easy to take a look at the city of Boston and point out everything that sucks about it, what with all its bro-ness and over-the-top sport emphaticism. But until you've spent extended time in areas like Bellfonte, Pennsylvania, you really take our city for granted. I'm more than content when I stop to think of how fortunate I am to have been born and raised in this area of the world. I love the northeast. I'll take New York and Boston over any other cities that I've been to up until this point in my life. Boston has it's fair share of slime for sure, but what do we really emphasize? I like to think it's things like culture, music, strong work ethic, education, family, and not to be underestimated, the importance of common sense. And we don't waste time and resources on issues like whether or not gay people should be able to marry, or tie up our courts with our college youth by penalizing them for committing acts accepted by society as a whole that every other normal person their age are participating in.
"We are Penn State!" Correct. You are a bunch of a douche bags that should be thrown into a massive blender, chopped up into a stew, and fed to the dogs that have more integrity than you could ever hope to have.
Last March, a few friends and I had spent the last week traveling through the mid west. We were on our way home, cruising U.S.A through the boonies of Pennsylvania when I was awoken from a deep slumber by my friend. We were being pulled over. It was about 7:00 AM. The RV we had rented had a break light out. Talk about a simple twist of fate. That little bitch of a break light ended up costing me my dignity, and my respect and hope for this country and the human race, not to mention the thousands of dollars (literally) it ended up costing me. To make a relatively long story short, we had a small amount of that green stuff on us. Small enough that it would warrant only a fine in Massachusetts equivalent to a parking ticket. The policeman suspected such because he saw something on our driver's (my friend's) shirt that he described as "some sort of green vegetable matter" (he really has a way with words, that guy). We gave him the small amount that we had and were cited for possession.
So on the ride home I'm thinking, "Alright, maybe we get a fine or something in the mail, pay it off and be on our way." You know, the way it should be. But we couldn't have picked a worse state for this kind of thing to happen in. I clearly hadn't been hipped to the ideals and mindset of good ol' western PA, because a month later we were all summoned back to court in Centre County, PA. I had to get a lawyer, I had to rent a car, hotel, and take time off from work to travel the eight and a half hours back to that location of the spawn of the dregs of our once great nation. That was the first of three trips we had to make back out there; once more for an actual hearing, and once more for a day of community service because it had to be done in that county since that's where the incident took place, not Massachusetts. Believe me when I tell you
They say there's no substitute for experience, and that first arraignment day in court was a learning experience if nothing else. It was the first and hopefully only time in my life ever having been on that side of things. When I say that the court room was filled, I mean it was filled with young guys and girls like ourselves, quite a few of them who were students from Penn State. All similar "crimes" as my friends and I; minor possession, underage drinking, etc., and all paying the same thousands of dollars in court fees and fines that we were paying.
These are the types of things that Centre County, PA puts its stock into. Oh no, you're not going to smoke weed or underage drink in their county! Buuuuuuuuuut, football coaches raping ten year old boys in football locker rooms ain't that big of a deal. That's not even an exaggeration of what these people think. A graduate assistant was walking through the locker room showers late at night when he witnessed former Penn State football coach Jerry Sandusky anally raping a child, and the assistant reported this exact information to Penn State University's Athletic Director Tim Curly and Senior Vice President for Finance and Business, Gary Schultz. A court case was opened, and these two dickheads testified and were asked if the graduate assistant had reported to them "sexual conduct" "of any kind" by Sandusky. Curly answered, "No" twice. They were also asked if the grad assistant had reported "anal sex between Sandusky and the child" in which Curly responded, "Absolutely not." Do you hear that low humming sound? That's my blood boiling.
Paterno's reaction when one of his player makes a bad play. |
Two things on my mind here:
1) Either these two
2) They care that much about Penn State's reputation that they were willing to sacrifice a young boy to a wolf like Sandusky to save face.
Either way, these two should burn in Hades personal lair for all eternity. And I'm positive that they will. In fact, I think I just became more religious. I mean, there has to be an afterlife of eternal suffering just for pieces of excrement like these, right? If not, you need to get your shit together, God, no pun intended.
You just had to save New Orleans, didn't-cha Old Hickory? |
"We are Penn State!" Correct. You are a bunch of a douche bags that should be thrown into a massive blender, chopped up into a stew, and fed to the dogs that have more integrity than you could ever hope to have.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
Fuck All This Mayonnaise
Mayo is the grossest fucking thing to ever fuck a sandwich, let alone touch some fries. Today, while having an especially miserable day of work at my mind-numbing office, I looked forward to the delicious "goloco" burrito combination at nearby Boloco. I ordered my usual mix of various meats, beans, and sauces and thought, "why don't I go fucking crazy and chuck some asian slaw in there? I'm a fan of asians and having nothing against slaw." After schlepping through the homeless people and organic farmer stands in Copley Square, I pick up my order and skip back to the office ready to delve into my wrapped creation. I take a bite and immediately taste some foreign substance that alerts by body to hit shut down mode--regular slaw. A creamy disgusting mix of mayonnaise and cabbage (really? cabbage?) that your aunt's miserable friend would bring to a cookout because she hates food and life. Anyone that knows me knows that I don't do mayo--it gives me the willies.
So I chuck the burrito in the trash and walked downstairs to the incredibly overpriced Blue Glass Cafe for a safe old Turkey Sang--the Chad Pennington of sandwiches. It won't win you the game but it won't be terrible either. Waiting in line..waiting in line...finally I'm next and the woman in front of me takes her order...then says "and can I have a chicken salad on wheat?" the knife will be gross for my turk. Just as I suspected, the polite illegal immigrant making sandwiches took the knife, now slobbered with Mayonnaise and canned fish, and rubbed it all over the middle of my sandwich. Fucking mayonnaise ruins everything, today is not my day!
Coleslaw is Southern Slang for Regurgitated Bird Shit |
So I chuck the burrito in the trash and walked downstairs to the incredibly overpriced Blue Glass Cafe for a safe old Turkey Sang--the Chad Pennington of sandwiches. It won't win you the game but it won't be terrible either. Waiting in line..waiting in line...finally I'm next and the woman in front of me takes her order...then says "and can I have a chicken salad on wheat?" the knife will be gross for my turk. Just as I suspected, the polite illegal immigrant making sandwiches took the knife, now slobbered with Mayonnaise and canned fish, and rubbed it all over the middle of my sandwich. Fucking mayonnaise ruins everything, today is not my day!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Leaders of Men: Richie Aprile from the "Old-School"
Richie was a proud capo in a New Jersey crime family until he got pinched and went to prison for ten years. He kept his mouth shut and upheld his mafia oath. Upon release, he found out that his little brother's fat friend was head of the family, and a camel nosed scumbag was beating up on his niece, Adriana. But before he could deal with that, he had to pay a visit to his old partner Beansie, who still owed Richie money and never once visited Richie in the can. Like any reasonable person, Richie ran over him, and then ran him over again.
After the exchange, Tony confronts Richie and asks him to "back off Beansie" to which Richie replies "I did. Then I put it in drive." What a huckster!!
Richie must then deal with "camel nosed" Christopher that's been beating up his beautiful and perfect niece, Adriana. According to Richie, Christopher's nose is "so big that he can smoke a cigarette in the rain with two hands tied behind his back. What a fuckin canopy." In a true act of chivalry, Richie tells Christopher, "I'm from the old-school. You wanna raise your hand, you give her your last name. The it's none of my fuckin' business. Until then, keep your hands in your pockets. We understand each other?"
Hear that ladies? I think all women deserve a loving and protective uncle like Richie!
Now with his ducks in a row, Richie could finally make some money. Out of many viable income options, Richie chose cocaine--a timelessly safe and lucrative investment. The only problem is that that cranky boss Tony didn't appreciate Richie's entrepreneurial spirit leaking onto certain garbage routes. That lead to the following exchange:
That Tony is such a curmudgeon. Richie's just tryin to get a slice of the gabbba goo, you know what I'm sayin Guissepe? Although "Manson lamps" is the best description of creepy eyes I've heard in a long time.
After the exchange, Tony confronts Richie and asks him to "back off Beansie" to which Richie replies "I did. Then I put it in drive." What a huckster!!
Richie must then deal with "camel nosed" Christopher that's been beating up his beautiful and perfect niece, Adriana. According to Richie, Christopher's nose is "so big that he can smoke a cigarette in the rain with two hands tied behind his back. What a fuckin canopy." In a true act of chivalry, Richie tells Christopher, "I'm from the old-school. You wanna raise your hand, you give her your last name. The it's none of my fuckin' business. Until then, keep your hands in your pockets. We understand each other?"
Hear that ladies? I think all women deserve a loving and protective uncle like Richie!
Now with his ducks in a row, Richie could finally make some money. Out of many viable income options, Richie chose cocaine--a timelessly safe and lucrative investment. The only problem is that that cranky boss Tony didn't appreciate Richie's entrepreneurial spirit leaking onto certain garbage routes. That lead to the following exchange:
That Tony is such a curmudgeon. Richie's just tryin to get a slice of the gabbba goo, you know what I'm sayin Guissepe? Although "Manson lamps" is the best description of creepy eyes I've heard in a long time.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Excuse me, Mr. Bacon...
I was curious what you think about this whole Penn State scandal. I mean, it seems to be getting deeper and stranger by the day. Your thoughts?
Friday, November 11, 2011
Jerry Sandusky: The Bernie Madoff of Pedophiles
Disclaimer: I don't mean to be insensitive to the victims of these awful crimes. Just trying to be funny, it's the only way I can deal with things.
Imagine your some working pedophile, just getting by on the few kids that want your shitty baseball cards, puppies, or whatever else you're peddling out of a rusty brown van. Years of blown coverage and outdated trench coats have limited your pool of potential victims, and parents are becoming increasingly aware of your tactics. You aren't looking for the best looking kids, just something acceptable.
Then you hear about this Sandusky character. Hundreds of kids at his disposal through charities, foundations, coaching, and every father that dreamed of their son playing for Linebacker U. "Hey Joe, let me take Joe Jr. for an ice cream and I'll tell him a few blitz secrets." "Sure Jerry, sounds good." Hell, in a seriously bold move for a pederast, he adopted six children and fostered many more on a rolling basis. And best of all, he never had to worry about getting caught. The entire community loved him, and even more importantly, anyone that told was screwing Penn State football (God in PA). While most diddlers had to outsmart nosy parents and clever police officers, Sandusky openly hung out with kids. Anyone that suspected him chose between protecting children from horrible crimes or tarnishing the pride, identity, and reputation of the massive Penn State community.
Your everyday pedophile was pretty amazed by Sandusky's operation. I imagine that low-level con men and country club hustlers felt similar when they learned about Madoff bilking the investing community. Most con men were lucky to trick Nana out of $10,000, while Madoff was printing money from large institutional investors that were none the wiser. If you took down Madoff, you were taking down billions in private investment--no one wanted to be that guy. Unfortunately, the longer someone like Madoff or Sandusky is allowed to betray an entire community of trusting individuals, the worse the fallout. If Sandusky was arrested when a guy caught him anally raping a boy in a shower in 2002, we wouldn't be in this mess. Similarly, if SEC looked at Madoff's shitty books before the financial collapse, investors would have saved billions. As it turns out someone blew the whistle on both of these guys, and our and our government chose not to pursue. In Madoff's case, the SEC punted. For Sandusky, a much more troubling scenario ensued. The complaint went up the chain, the DA wanted to prosecute, but then he went missing and his laptop was found without any data. Interesting....
When individuals betray a large community of people that not only trust that individual, but have a stake in his or her success, the downside risk from whistle-blowing will force complicity or enabling. No one wants the of foreseeable consequences, but they will come to pass. Allowing continued betrayals just delays the inevitable, and severely increase the horrible consequences.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
New Slang
As we get closer to 2012, I'd like to take a look back on some of the latest vocabulary that's entered my vernacular over the past year.
Slang Word: Mrs. Roeth
Origin: My Fantasy Football Team
Definition: To wake up excited on a Sunday only to be disappointed a few hours later
Me: It’s Easter Sunday! I can’t wait to look for my Easter basket and eat a lot of candy!
Mom: Bob, you’re 27…we don’t give you Easter baskets full of candy anymore
Slang Word: JoPa
Origin: Curiously uncreative nickname for lifelong coach of Penn State football, Joe Paterno, who was recently fired for his involvement in a child abuse scandal
Definition: To keep a deep dark secret for someone
Someone named Quico: Yo dude, can I tell you something really personal that you can’t tell anyone?
Me: Yeah definitely
Quico: Alright…I’m actually a hermaphrodite
Me: (shocked/speechless)
Quico: I know…
Me: Well, it’s definitely going to be tough. But I think I can JoPa that one for at least a couple of years.
Slang Word: Lackey
Origin: Last name of Red Sox starting pitcher, John Lackey
Definition: To know something is going to suck, but not realize just how badly it actually is going to suck
Co-worker: Hey, you ever see that movie Due Date?
Me: Yeah, it was shit.
Co-worker: I know, but it had like, Zach Galifinakas and Robert Downey Jun-
Me: Exactly. It had Lackey written all over it.
Slang Word: Glee
Origin: Hit television show about a bunch of high school kids liberating themselves through glee class, I think
Definition: Something so incredibly irritating, you wonder how masses of people can be so enamored with it
Radio DJ: And that was the latest single by one of today’s hottest young acts, Passion Pit!!!!
Me: That shit was pretty fucking glee if you ask me
Slang Word: Dr. Conrad Murray
Origin: Michael Jackson’s doctor who evidently caused his death (although I’m personally very skeptical that Michael Jackson wasn’t forcing him to inject him with more drugs)
Definition: Sleeping pills
Someone who can’t sleep: Pass me the Dr. Conrad Murray’s please?
Put these terms into your everyday conversations and people will surely think you're a weirdo, but an intriguing weirdo at that - like those teenage vampires that all the kids are talking about these days. And if this week was any sign, there will certainly be more slang added to my personal dictionary before the year is nigh. Do stay tuned.
Slang Word: Mrs. Roeth
Origin: My Fantasy Football Team
Definition: To wake up excited on a Sunday only to be disappointed a few hours later
Me: It’s Easter Sunday! I can’t wait to look for my Easter basket and eat a lot of candy!
Mom: Bob, you’re 27…we don’t give you Easter baskets full of candy anymore
Why the fuck was this California Raisin even still coaching in the first place |
Slang Word: JoPa
Origin: Curiously uncreative nickname for lifelong coach of Penn State football, Joe Paterno, who was recently fired for his involvement in a child abuse scandal
Definition: To keep a deep dark secret for someone
Someone named Quico: Yo dude, can I tell you something really personal that you can’t tell anyone?
Me: Yeah definitely
Quico: Alright…I’m actually a hermaphrodite
Me: (shocked/speechless)
Quico: I know…
Me: Well, it’s definitely going to be tough. But I think I can JoPa that one for at least a couple of years.
Slang Word: Lackey
Origin: Last name of Red Sox starting pitcher, John Lackey
Definition: To know something is going to suck, but not realize just how badly it actually is going to suck
Co-worker: Hey, you ever see that movie Due Date?
Me: Yeah, it was shit.
Co-worker: I know, but it had like, Zach Galifinakas and Robert Downey Jun-
Me: Exactly. It had Lackey written all over it.
Slang Word: Glee
Origin: Hit television show about a bunch of high school kids liberating themselves through glee class, I think
Definition: Something so incredibly irritating, you wonder how masses of people can be so enamored with it
Radio DJ: And that was the latest single by one of today’s hottest young acts, Passion Pit!!!!
Me: That shit was pretty fucking glee if you ask me
Don't worry doc. All I need is a "few more drips" of propofol and I'll be fine. Trust me, no one will ever find out. |
Slang Word: Dr. Conrad Murray
Origin: Michael Jackson’s doctor who evidently caused his death (although I’m personally very skeptical that Michael Jackson wasn’t forcing him to inject him with more drugs)
Definition: Sleeping pills
Someone who can’t sleep: Pass me the Dr. Conrad Murray’s please?
Put these terms into your everyday conversations and people will surely think you're a weirdo, but an intriguing weirdo at that - like those teenage vampires that all the kids are talking about these days. And if this week was any sign, there will certainly be more slang added to my personal dictionary before the year is nigh. Do stay tuned.
Leaders of Men: Paul Sarone - Paraguayan Snake Hunter
In this new weekly installment we'll celebrate world heroes and how their contributions have bettered the live of billions. This week's subject is famed Paraguayan snake poacher Paul Sarone, who fearlessly commandeered an Amazon riverboat to hunt a 40 foot anaconda. Although he didn't catch the snake per se, Sarone achieved moral victory when his actions lead to the death of Owen Wilson. Some believe he is a hero from the future sent back in time to kill J-Lo and Ice Cube before their horrible "songs" and "movies" corroded our society. This was post Friday and NWA, so Ice Cube's only redeeming contributions would be spared.
"Go fuck yourself J-Lo. I hope you get strangled by a CGI snake" |
Big Paul came upon a boat of pussy documentarians and imposed his will. When the crew found him, he was hurting from a long night of killing bait monkeys and harassing native Amazonian honeys. He convinces the naive crew to head down river for a doctor, but he just want to catch him some snake. At one point, he turned down J-Lo's attempted seduction because he knew her snatch felt like a bear trap. He eventually dies in a blaze of glory and snake puke.
It smells like J-Lo's soul |
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Stoned Thoughts: If you were a kangaroo, what would you keep in your pouch?
Cell Phone
Trail Mix
Pack of Gum
Boom. Pretty boring you say? Well I say "Settle down Heady McBongRips, and hear me out".
I'd wager that most people would say some stupid shit like a bottle of booze or butts or a kitana sword or whatever. The thing is, that shit ain't gonna save you when you're being hunted by tourists. That shit happens and you gotta react. This guy ain't gonna save you:
Trail mix for energy when you're running and hiding, cell phone to call for help, pack of gum so you got fresh breath for when you make it back to your hot kangaroo girlfriend.
Save the bottle of booze for the hot tub.
P.S. How weird are kangaroos? Weirdest animal ever.
The Best Thing I Have Ever Seen In My Life
This was brought to my attention, courtesy of T-Bomb. An excellent remix of one of the greatest things to ever hit YouTube.
We Should Stop Paying Attention To These Celebrities
As a natural-born hater, I've always had healthy contempt and skepticism towards celebrities. Are they really who they portray to be, or are they just some drama school jerk that adopted an "image" in response to market research? Sure, it's easy to hate guys like Justin Bieber because they're always lookin like "I be ballin' son" but haven't lived one day of real life. I can't blame Biebs. If I were mechanically designed in an Orlando lab and programmed to smile for cameras, I'd be walking around like a Lesbian in an LPGA locker room. Straight cheesin' son.
I'm talking about celebs that used to be somebody else, but have reinvented themselves with a boardroom persona. I feel duped. There's some deception that escapes the throngs of public fans willing to dump their meager salaries into the coffers of these overpaid hacks. So here's my short list of undeserving celebrities.
"Hey Deb, I can see your snatch from here! JK! Great chip on 18 though." |
I'm talking about celebs that used to be somebody else, but have reinvented themselves with a boardroom persona. I feel duped. There's some deception that escapes the throngs of public fans willing to dump their meager salaries into the coffers of these overpaid hacks. So here's my short list of undeserving celebrities.
What He Is Now: A wildly overrated rapper loved by "hip hop fans."
Why We Shouldn't Like Him: Drake is a painfully mediocre rapper that took Jay-Z's swag over skills strategy to new levels. He's the first Mickey Mouser to become a legit player in the rap game, and true rap fans hate it. People just like him because he's cool. But is he? I think he's just Jason Priestly with barely enough blackness to say the N word.
What's worse is that he doesn't even rap. He whines about pounding chicks on piles of cash. Apparently rap now includes minutes of hazy singing that sounds like someone is raping a feral cat with two pieces of styrofoam. He inherited this "skill" from his mentor Lil' Wayne, who hasn't stopped chugging purp drank since he made millions off The Carter II and became a parody of himself. Fans just want to be on the same team as these guys because they're "cool" but no one really pays attention to their shitty music. Now teeny boppers that have never heard Wu-Tang can claim to be rap fans because they like Drake's emo verse and leather jacket. Whatever this is, its not rap, and Drake is Jason Priestly.
What He Used to Be: Doogie Houser, MD
What He is Now: Hack Joke Cliche Sitcom 3000 - Your Grandmother Will Love It
Why We Shouldn't Like Him: Right now, Neil Patrick Harris should be giving blow jobs on an infomercial casting couch next to Carlton Banks, Steve Urkel, and Cory Matthews. Call me old fashioned, but I like my pants pressed and my child stars DESTROYED.
NPH was destined for obscurity, which partly helped his come back in 2004's Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. NPH couldn't possibly be anything but a dorky child genius, and it was funny to see him blow coke off a stripper's ass. Well Neil Patrick took the ball and ran, and now we're left with another overrated ever-present actor that parodies himself for millions. Every time I see his smug face it just says, "Aren't I so NPH!! I love being edgy." He's the perfect example of someone that's edgy within completely acceptable norms, also known as NOT EDGY AT ALL. That's why my Nana loves him.
His Wikipedia page lists his occupation as "magician" so that might have something to do with it. He's a walking gold mine for networks right now, so I'll just have to keep talking over my grandmother when she mentions him on holidays.
3. The Black Eyed Peas
What They Used To Be: A somewhat listenable hip hop act
What They Are Now: An international hypnosis conglomerate
Why We Shouldn't Like Them: Where should I start. After years of research with University psychology departments and boardroom villains, the BEP have developed a fool proof formula for platinum sales and lucrative sponsors.
Intimidating |
2. Neil Patrick Harris AKA "NPH"
What He Used to Be: Doogie Houser, MD
What He is Now: Hack Joke Cliche Sitcom 3000 - Your Grandmother Will Love It
Your grandmother thinks I'm hilarious and I could definitely fuck her. |
NPH was destined for obscurity, which partly helped his come back in 2004's Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. NPH couldn't possibly be anything but a dorky child genius, and it was funny to see him blow coke off a stripper's ass. Well Neil Patrick took the ball and ran, and now we're left with another overrated ever-present actor that parodies himself for millions. Every time I see his smug face it just says, "Aren't I so NPH!! I love being edgy." He's the perfect example of someone that's edgy within completely acceptable norms, also known as NOT EDGY AT ALL. That's why my Nana loves him.
His Wikipedia page lists his occupation as "magician" so that might have something to do with it. He's a walking gold mine for networks right now, so I'll just have to keep talking over my grandmother when she mentions him on holidays.
3. The Black Eyed Peas
What They Used To Be: A somewhat listenable hip hop act
What They Are Now: An international hypnosis conglomerate
Why We Shouldn't Like Them: Where should I start. After years of research with University psychology departments and boardroom villains, the BEP have developed a fool proof formula for platinum sales and lucrative sponsors.
- Create or purchase catchy hook.
- Boy sing hook, girl sing hook, repeat for four minutes while wearing space suits.
- Dr. Pepper
- Build Igloo out of million dollar bills
Has anyone heard "I've got a feeling"? That song made more money than you could selling kiddie porn at Penn State. They could put entire cities through college. I'm of the opinion that they should owe money for polluting the airwaves with an unavoidable song. If given the option between hearing "I've got a feeeling" and some other sensory rape, I would've chosen the following affronts to my senses:
Needless to say, I don't like the song. But just as their research showed, I found myself singing that awful hook and chugging Dr. P. The whole country was hypnotized, and who knows what could happen next time. If we could boycott these clown-penis robots, we'll all be better off.
- Taste - Bong rip of poodle farts
- Touch - Belly flop into pool of caterpillars
- Smell - Sixty-nine Rueben Studdard
- Sight - Naked Golden Girls twister without Blanche
Needless to say, I don't like the song. But just as their research showed, I found myself singing that awful hook and chugging Dr. P. The whole country was hypnotized, and who knows what could happen next time. If we could boycott these clown-penis robots, we'll all be better off.
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