I wasnt expecting much from the The Five Year Engagement going into it, but the previews looked decent, and Jason Segal & Co. typically produce a quality product. Unfortunately I made a mistake, and will never get those 130 minutes of my life back. This movie suuuuuuucked. Two problems, It's not funny and waaaay too long.
1. Dear Jason Segal, your bare ass isnt funny anymore. The first couple times you whipped your dick out on camera was hilarious, but now its just old and kinda sad. Your body looks like an albino beluga with melanoma. You need to see a doctor about your skin tags.
2. When are people going to learn the golden rule of comedies? LESS IS MORE! When was the last time you saw a 2hr+ comedy that was funny? Never. No comedy should ever go over 90mins, EVER.
D+ (Probably an F if the chick in it wasnt so hot)
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