Is it just me, or is GOUT totally on fire these days? I feel like I can't get through 10 minutes of television without seeing a gray fox in serious foot-pain or some guy walking the streets carrying around a humungous frigging beaker of green liquid. Don't be fooled by television, gout is not the new fever and I don't see there being any gout-breaks in the near future. But, it is serious and incredibly painful. If you suddenly come down with a case of unforeseen pain in your metartarsals and find yourself wondering, "Could it be true? Do I have a case of the dreaded gout?", here are ten crucial things you need to know agout.
Top 5 symptoms of Gout
Top 5 symptoms of Gout
1) Bad Attitude
2) Swollen feet/limps
3) Violent outbursts
4) bad breath
5) loss of memory
Top 5 remedies for Gout
1) Ice
2) Taking your shoes off under your desk
3) Cigarettes
4) Chicken Parm subs
5) Watermelon slice candies
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